Friday, April 10, 2009

Ohh the shame the shame

Landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed.
Karl Marx -

So I'm getting ready to take my flight back to civilization, lushing it up in the lounge. Much as I enjoy the US for a visit, its just never really been my cup of tea. The portions are too big, the driving is too random and its the only place in the world where I'm a pessimist. I laughed all the way to the airport as the guy on the radio ranted about the evils of socialism and the inherent dangers of free universal healthcare. So sleep easy mes amis Belgium still safely retains her crown.

I've been a very bad lad this week. No training since Saturday and it'll be Friday 3pm before I'm home and one day of my holiday weekend is so easily gulped down without mercy by business travel. Good news is my foot and ankle pain is all gone.

I managed to sleep till 5:30am this morning, just equalizing in time to come back. So I'll be hitting the bed on the plane as soon as the seat belt sign is off. I'm hoping for a deep sleep fuelled by a BA G&T. I'm not thinking too much about the punishment I'll need to inflict on my tired bones this weekend.

It may not be all about the bike for big Lance Armstrong but it will be for me over the weekend.

Alas Alas Alas.......


  1. Not quite sure this would qualify as recovery week considering the effect of jet lag on your body but if your pains have gone, that is certainly worth the inactivity.
    Take it from the crippled who spends his time between doctors and hospital to get his knee fixed on time for June 07th :)

  2. you need some of that magic cream I'm using on my saddle inflicted injuries :O)


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