Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Early bird, gets the 17K

Up at 7am and out. Its as good a day as we get in Belgique and I needed to make the most of it. I did first 10K in 53:10 and the whole lot in 1:29:43. I've not run off my training blues yet so this was a slog and a drag. I don't feel like it and am fighting the demons in my head with every session. I was wearing my new schoolgirl type compression socks and managed to pick up two blisters on two toes on each foot....bravo. I'm flying to the UK for a couple of days work so my training opportunities are very limited till Thur/Friday as I won't get back till around midnight on Wednesday. If you want to see what hard work looks like on my toes...click the photo :O)..Its not safe for work or anywhere else for that matter


  1. Sudocrem... you need Sudocrem... :) and possibly other socks. I find my feet overheat with my compression socks where if I wear 100% cotton socks I have no issue.

  2. sterilise a pin and get on with it Kennedy ;-)


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