Sunday, June 14, 2009

Running Dry

I spent most of today lying around reading and feeling tired, not a sensation I've been used to for the last 6 months. I decided to get out for a run after Team Kennedy manager threw down the gauntlet with a 14.5K run in the afternoon sun. I set out and am feeling pretty good with an inspiring 18 minutes for the first 4.3KM. I then head up the hill out of Lasne and the heat starts to build up. I'm feeling dizzy and very tired. I keep going but by 8km its worse and I'm flopping around on my feet.

I'm heading back and will have at least done 10K. I try to up the pace to get a reasonable 10K time but I go over the 45 minute mark at 9.56km. So I stop and walk the rest of the way in. I shower and then weigh myself. I've dropped 1.5kg since yesterday, so its clearly dehydration and that explains why I was tired all morning as well. I did the 46k bike ride yesterday without water bottles as I wasn't planning to be out so long. Its obviously a hangover from that. I drink a litre of Isotonic and had my dinner. I was feeling much better.


  1. same happened to me at Vale of Leven 10k yesterday. was really hot (25 deg) for here ;-) and I set off too fast. between 2nd - 3rd km is long slow climb through Balloch park which was killing everyone off. felt drained at about 4km and thought I was going to have to pull out and walk back. Managed to keep going though and the thought of water at 6km kept me focused albeit with heavy legs. Water helped give me second wind but by then I'd lost too much time. Managed last km in under 4 mins but final time was just over the 45min mark....nearly 2mins slower than my Clydebank 10k PB...gutted! Had plenty fluid before the race and decent breakfast but the heat, hill and too fast a start took its toll :-(

    Need a new strategy for final 10k in Bellahouston next Sunday. Need to start slower and build it up....let's see.

  2. I drank before I went out as well but maybe didn't give it enough time to get taken in. I think you lose fluid very fast above 25C. Hard to keep intake up while runnning as its murder if its sloshing all over your stomach. We might need to scratch our joint application for the Marathon de Sables :O)


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