Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Photos of Rapperswil-Jona 70.3

Pre Race orientation meeting......ooh no i don't have a granny ring for my bike !!!!!

So it doesn't just rain in Belgium then....Saturday afternoon. Praying all the rain would fall today..It really really did.

Technical prep for the bike before handing into the transition zone. Great hotel and food, wine a speciality which was a double blow given I was on a strict no alcohol regime until after the race.

Getting bike checked-in, I cycled down from hotel to test gears and brakes after I rebuilt the bike, thats why I have my jeans tucked into my sock.

Its the Team Kennedy Management Group on day of the race, technical manager on the right(mostly hands off and theoretical) and Team manager on the left.

Transition zone on the day, starting to heat up...

Professionals ready for the off......my nerves were jangling at this point

Ready for the off......I think that swimming cap is too tight....

I'm right at the very very back....but not the guy in the canoe.

Technical manager, sponsored by A&F. No oil on the fingers from the bike thats for sure.

Finishing at last.....its been a long day.

Ya beauty !!!!!!! Post race euphoria....I think I've pulled as well.

Back at the hotel....heart rate returning to normal....Bike getting loving care and attention after a great shift.


  1. Hi Campbell, Alison and Wallace, Many congratulations on your results, and your excellent website. You might remember me and Gary who you met, us being from Hereford. I'm the one with the beard! We arrived back in UK last night and arrived home today after a great weekend. Gary did very well and is preparing for IM in Bolton in August.
    With best wishes, Ian

  2. Ian,

    Great to hear from you. I saw Gary at the start in the water and we exchanged a few nervous pre race words. I was right at the very very back with only the guy in the canoe behind me. I checked Gary's result as soon as we got back to make sure he finished as well. It was a fabulous day and the weather was a huge improvement on Saturday.

    It was a great surprise to hear a friendly voice as soon as we stepped out of the car on the Saturday. Glad you guys got back OK. I'm sure Gary was a bit stiff after that drive back, I know my legs were like concrete after only 7 hours in the car.

    We're still talking about what is next. Alison and I are both running the Glasgow half marathon in September but the Triathlon bug is still the main driver. I've also got a full year now before the next one so plenty of time for training :O)

    If you guys are ever over in Belgium then please feel free to drop in and please let Gary know that if he is ever over in Wavere again to let us know. Its only 10 minutes away. All the best.



  3. Great pics!! I definitely need a team Kennedy for the next race... :) Good luck to you and Allison for the semi marathon in September !!



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