Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In Race Photos

Not looking too bad coming out of the swim......apart from the cyclists tee shirt suntan on my arms.

On the rivet , grinding my way up the hill....gritted teeth or still needing a pee ? :O)

Thunder thighs exits the bike leg. I must say I was feeling better than I looked in this photo but I need to remember I'd just completed 90K in the Swiss Alps so you do expect some sweat. The positive mental impact of having finished the bike leg was obviously overcoming the physical impact of the ride. This shows that a lot of it is in the head rather than in the legs.

First circle of the run. Forgot to take off cycling gloves :O)

I've finished at last....1.9k swim, 90km bike, 21km run and 8263 calories lighter and I still can't believe the time. It needs to be the big one next time I think. I don't look tired enough in this photo :O)

1 comment:

  1. LoL. I didn't realize you had your cycling gloves on. Could have been worse. I remember reading about a guy starting the run with his helmet. And thinking back I could have started the swim leg with my wetsuit backwards... :)



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