Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quick Dip

1100M swim in a rather pathetic 25:50. First 300M were very windy but after that I got my oxygen deficit back I was going along fine. Nice big 50M pool and facilities but a little busy. Some bugger nicked my quid out the locker as well.


  1. Bought my kids some Walkers crisps with the quid -- thanks.

  2. 1100 m in 25.50 is a good time... that's 22min
    per km and around 41 for the full 1900m.
    I'll sign up for that time on the day...

  3. There was a guy in my lane, just lying on his back and swimming with wide hand motions and kicking. I could keep up with him but I'd have needed to swim hard to pass him. I was swimming was more than a little disturbing. I'm busting a gut and he's taking it easy.


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