Thursday, April 22, 2010

5K with a dead weight

Tried a quick 5K with Millie the dog and her new wonder leash. I had to almost drag her the whole way round. I think he might be carrying an injury as she is normally pretty fast. Weight down at 74.8KG. Its ben as high as 78KG in the last 2 weeks...some wild swings.


  1. Off to Millport today for a long weekend. Cycling (with picnic) and running round the island on the agenda with a good sprinkling of BBQ, Curry and red wine in between. Weather forecast is so-so but hey, it's nice to get away for a few days. Will also watch a bit of the London Marathon on Sunday and try to remind myself that plugging another 10 miles onto the end of the Kilomathon is not as easy as it sounds! I can but dream and will apply again for next year...Ballot opens May 4th

  2. Watched Scottish girl Freya Murray win Irish 10K on Saturday beating Jo Pavey into second, looked a great day for running :O). They were running 3min 10sec kilometres in the middle 3K, finish was 32:30 and mens was 29:17 with Ireland scooping first 6 places in mens race....not sure I can even sprint that fast...BTW it was me who phoned you late last night and hung up. Phone was in my pocket as I was going to bed....tried to cut it off as quick as poss so not to get you up...


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