Wednesday, April 21, 2010

10K Running Through the Dust clouds....

Team Kennedy manager is bashing out the miles running with the dog using her new dog joggers lead. This is providing me with lots of peer pressure style motivation as I'm worried if I don't keep up the miles she'll be putting it on me to get me off the sofa. Nice sunny day with a cool wind from the east, no jets in the sky. Viva la Volcano.

First couple of K's felt OK and I soon got into a nice confortable rhythm. Stereophonics in my headphones banging out TROUBLE Right click that link and imagine me sweating my guts out up M.Hedgehog...what a song !!!!

Anyway back on topic, 5K drops on in 24:28 which isn't too bad. I was wiped out at the top of the hill as I'd kept the pace high all the way up and recovery took 2-300M along the flat.

Tried to just keep concentrating about length of stride, step cadence and height of foot. Long, swift and low....long, swift and low...swooping a few mm's above the tarmac...I find my mind wanders to work and all sorts of other BS. I try fantasizing about finishing a long race and that helps for a few hundred metres. Its amazing the stuff that goes through your head while out running.

Anyway....pace felt OK and I was keeping my concentration for a fair bit of the time. Kicked with about 1500M to go and managed to maintain a pace just below the point where I'm losing my breath.

Finished in 49.58.7 so under 50 minutes but a close run thing.

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