Sunday, August 23, 2009

Countdown starts now

Two weeks today till Glasgow Half Marathon, definate ground rush from here on in. I did 10k tonight after a very lazy day reading(Undertones of War by Edmund Blunden), watching the cricket, the football and again watched Kenneth More Sinking the Bismark.

I finished in 49:03 and I felt pretty groggy for the first 7K. I couldn't lift my pace faster than 4:40 per km and even then it felt very unbalanced, I was only comfortable around the 5:30 mark. I got a second wind about 7K and was managing to keep a higher pace much easier but I was glad to finish in what was a very warm evening. My pre run snack of a roll and crisps, packet of fruitella and a choc ice probably wasn't ideal.

Team Kennedy manager dropped off 10K in about 60 minutes including a sore knee episode after 6k :0)...that sub 2 hour half marathon looks in a lot of danger from where I'm sitting. I'm on large with William Hill on a 1:55 finish :0)


  1. Could have saved a few squiddlies here -

  2. might order a second pair. I'll give them a few more weeks to bed in. At least I know the right size now :O). What shoes are you running with now ?

  3. Nike Air Structure Triax 12+ I just keep getting the latest version of the first pair I was properly fitted for. Each time I get a pair the next model comes out almost immediately...Great deals for running gear on that site I sent you. I know stuff can be a bit more expensive on the condiment.

  4. yes I'm forever waiting for a devaluation of the pound so I can pretend I'm wealthy at home :O) I really fancy a pair of something differnt like Brooks or Sauchony or even splash out on Newtons but no chance to get anything except Nike,Adidas or Asics here. I might go for a fitting in Glasgow when I'm over and do what you are doing. Just keep the same model as I replace. The Nikes were good but I don't think they had enough support for my foot and thats why I was getting problems. BTW Alison was airing this as a possibility for next year. Team Duathlon at Loch Ness.


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