Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Run short, Stand Tall

I was a bit stiff today so I thought I'd try to loosen up a bit with a quick 8k run(5 miles in old money) before dinner. Out into the night and it took me 40:39 over a pretty hilly route. I was surprised how long it took and was really looking for sub 35mins for 8k but I really got surprised by the hills. They killed any chance of a quick time plus I fell on my arse half way round after tripping on a kerb. I also think that as I've been running longer distances up to this point that I need to train myself to run faster. Its not that I physically find it hard to run faster, its just that I fall back to a more natural rhythm that is slower than its possible for me to actually endure. Then I remember to speed up again and go quicker...I just need to train to get my natural rhythm to be quicker.

Its probably a good thing doing some hills practice as I'd had a tip off today from Chico(whilst he should have been doing his MBA homework) that the Alloa Half Marathon route is uphill for the last 3km.

Toes are a bit sore and blistered so no more running till Sunday at the earliest. I'll try to get some swimming in and if my bike ever appears I might get out on it if I manage to put it together.

I got a gold star from Team Kennedy manager for volunteering for a run before being told.

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